The red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) is an invasive species that alters ecosystems and water quality representing a health risk, as it carries damaging organisms; besides, it destabilizes structures by removing materials when it digs its burrows. Here we studied the P. clarkii population and morphometric and dietary aspects in the Tibitoc plant dock. We did three samplings using 120 Zreal and Accesotech traps baited with cat food for 24 hours on each occasion. Our results suggest that the density was low (300 ind/ha), although the invasive potential may be high as females presented more than 500 eggs. The sex ratio was 1:1; the females presented different stages of maturation, indicating consecutive spawning, and they were larger and heavier than the males. The morphometric data of the specimens collected and their reproductive traits showed lower values than those recorded in the literature, suggesting that the nutritional requirements were not adequate and not all the conditions for the development of the population were met. The species’ lifespan was 2.3 years. As in other studies, the diet was detritus, plant material, algae, macroinvertebrates, and fish. To control the species population in the Tibitoc plant dock, we recommend annual passive captures using Accesotech traps (or similar designs).
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