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Castañeda, R. (2023). SPATIAL COHERENCE OF LIGHT IN THE PHASE-SPACE: NON-PARAXIAL PROCEDUNES AND PHYSICAL IMPLICATIONS. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 37(142), 33–55.


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The phase-space representation of optical fields in any state of spatial coherence is a powerful tool for determining their non-paraxial propagation, without restrictions on propagation distance, source size and illuminated area at the detector plane. This procedure deals to novel phenomenological implications, the most important of which is the optical field modelling in terms of sets of radiant and virtual point sources. The set of radiant point sources must be discrete and the set of virtual point sources represents the spatial coherence state of the field. Furthermore, it suggests a novel approach between the classical optics and the quantum optics, dealing to new research subjects. For instance, it points out potential classical counterparts of light behaviours, usually characterised as exclusively quantum phenomena.


marginal power spectrum | non-paraxial diffraction | phase-space representation
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