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Ángel, L., Ramírez, A., & Domínguez, E. (2023). HEAT ISLAND AND TEMPERATURE SPATIOTEMPORAL CHANGES IN BOGOTÁ CITY. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 34(131), 173–183. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.34(131).2010.2410


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The planet Earth, as a whole, has experienced a warming process caused principally by the accumulation of atmospheric greenhouse gases. Otherwise, it has been well demonstrated that thermic islands exist inside of cities, essentially as a result of the replacement of forest areas with urban materials such as asphalt, concrete, bricks, etc. Based on this foundation, this research evaluated the minimum, median, and maximum temperature changes that occurred in the city of Bogotá over the last 40 years. This research makes evident the presence of a heat island 3°C over the periphery median temperature in most of the city. There were also periods with increases and decreases in city temperatures, not affected in its main tendency by the Niño phenomena which in contrast affected the periphery.



islas térmicas urbanas | calentamiento global | ecología urbana | urbanización
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