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M.T, F. M., Parra S, L., & Malagón, D. (2023). PHYSICAL ALTERATION IN MATRIX FRAGMENTS AND VOLCANIC GLASSES. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 30(115), 243–258.


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Different components of the volcanic ashes do not have the same susceptibility to weathering. During this investigation, matrix fragments, colored and colorless volcanic glass shards components were subjected to experimental weathering during almost two years in humic acid, acidulated water, and oxalic acid. The matrix fragments were the most susceptible to weathering because they presented at the end of the experimental cycle larger specific and reaction surfaces, more features of superficial alteration, and they released greater quantities of Al3+, Si4+, and Fe3+ ions.


Volcanic ashes | matrix fragments | glass shards | weathering | alteration | Departaments of Caldas and Antioquia | Colombia
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