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Ruiz-Ochoa, M. A., Meléndez, R. A., Castellanos, M. L., & Polanía, J. H. (2023). ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF REPEATED MEASURES OF EDAPHIC PROPERTIES IN MANGROVE VEGETATION. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 30(115), 323–242.


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The variances of repeated measurements in time of four edaphic properties (salinity, EC, OM, and pH) in the mangroves of Calancala branch, Ranchería River delta, were analyzed. As the sphericity assumption was reviewed, the results indicate change trends along the observation period in all four edaphic properties. Differences that can be ascribed to time do influence the vegetation and can be associated with the hydrodynamics of the Calancala branch.


ANOVA of repeated measurements | spherecity | edaphic properties | mangrove | Colombian Caribbean
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