The simultaneous identification of the high ionization forbidden lines [Fe VII] λ6087 and [Ne V] λ3426 in spectra of quasars is the main interest of this paper. In order to obtain information of these lines we examined a sample of 1423 spectra of quasars obtained from the Sloan Digital Sky Servey (SDSS) utilizing a selection criteria for the redshift (0.14 ≤ z ≤ 0.2). We only detect 18 objects with the two lines of interest. With the fluxes of coronal lines and other forbidden lines we constructed a diagnostic diagram which allowed us to superimpose photoionization models carried out in CLOUDY in order to determine suitable physical conditions of the emission zone. © Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat. 2015.AbazajianK.,etal., 2009. The Astrophysical Journal Supple-ment Series,182, 543.AppenzellerI.,&Wagner, 1991. Astronomy & Astrophysics,250, 57.Binette L., Dopita M. A., & Tuohy I. R., 1985. The Astro-physical Journal,297, 476.BowersR.L.&DeemingT., 1984. Astrophysics II, Jones andBartlett Pu. Inc., Boston.Emerson A., 1996. Interpreting Astronomical Spectra, JohnWiley and Sons, New York.Ferland G. J.1996. Hazy, a brief introduction to Cloudy, Re-porte interno de la Universidad de Kentucky.FerlandG.J.,etal.2013. Revista Mexicana de Astronom ́ıa yAstrof ́ısica,49, 137.Nagao T.,et al.2003. Astronomical Journal,125, 1779.Nussbaumer H., & Osterbrock D. E., 1970. AstrophysicalJournal,161, 811.Oliva E., 1997. ASP Conference series,113, 288.Osterbrock D., & Ferland G. J., 2006. Astrophysics ofGaseous Nebulae and Active Galactic Nuclei, UniversityScience Books, Sausalito.Pogge R. W., & Owen J. M., 1993. Reporte interno de OhioState University, 93-01Rodr ́ıguez-Ardila A., et al.2012. ASP Conference Series,460, 144.V́eron-Cetty & V́eron2006. A catalogue of quasars and ac-tive nuclei: 12th edition,455, 773.YorkD.G.,et al., 2000. Astronomical Journal,120, 1579.References
AbazajianK.,etal., 2009. The Astrophysical Journal Supple-ment Series,182, 543.
AppenzellerI.,&Wagner, 1991. Astronomy & Astrophysics,250, 57.
Binette L., Dopita M. A., & Tuohy I. R., 1985. The Astro-physical Journal,297, 476.
Bowers R. L.& DeemingT., 1984. Astrophysics II, Jones andBartlett Pu. Inc., Boston.Emerson A., 1996. Interpreting Astronomical Spectra, JohnWiley and Sons, New York.
Ferland G. J.1996. Hazy, a brief introduction to Cloudy, Re-porte interno de la Universidad de Kentucky.
FerlandG.J.,etal.2013. Revista Mexicana de Astronom ́ıa yAstrof ́ısica,49, 137.Nagao T.,et al.2003. Astronomical Journal,125, 1779.
Nussbaumer H., & Osterbrock D. E., 1970. AstrophysicalJournal,161, 811.Oliva E., 1997. ASP Conference series,113, 288.
Osterbrock D., & Ferland G. J., 2006. Astrophysics ofGaseous Nebulae and Active Galactic Nuclei, UniversityScience Books, Sausalito.
Pogge R. W., & Owen J. M., 1993. Reporte interno de OhioState University, 93-01
Rodríguez-Ardila A., et al.2012. ASP Conference Series,460, 144.
Véron-Cetty & V ́eron2006. A catalogue of quasars and ac-tive nuclei: 12th edition,455, 773.
YorkD.G.,et al., 2000. Astronomical Journal,120, 1579.
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