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Villarroel A, C. ., & Clavijo, J. . (2023). FOSSIL MAMMALS AND THE AGES OF THE CONTINENTAL NEOGENE SEDIMENTS OF THE CARIBBEAN COAST OF COLOMBIA. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 29(112), 345–356.


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We describe five different continental mammalian fossils found on the Colombian Caribbean Coast: Neoglyptatelus sincelejanus n. sp. (Glyptodontidae, Glyptatelinae), Gyriabrus royoi (Rodentia, Dinomyidae), Mixotoxodon larensis (Toxodontidae, Toxodontinae), Toxodontidae indet. and Haplomastodon waringi (Gomphotheriidae). Their geographical situations and their corresponding ages allow the discussion of nomenclatural and chronostratigraphic aspects of some litostratigraphical units exposed in the that region.


Neoglyptatelus | Gyriabrus | Mixotoxodon | Toxodontidae indet | Haplomastodon | litoestratigrafía | Caribe | Colombia
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