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Chacón-Ortiz, A., Díaz de Pascual, A., & Godoy, F. . (2023). REPRODUCTIVE ASPECTS AND LARVAL DEVELOPMENT OF HYLA PUGNAX (ANURA: HYLIDAE) IN THE ANDEAN PIEDMONT OF VENEZUELA. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 28(108), 391–402.


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The reproductive activity of Hyla pugnax was evaluated, as well as the description of the larval development, near the Doradas river, Sector Las Cuevas, second development of the Uribante-Caparo Complex (7º 46´N; 82º 00´W), Táchira State, Venezuela. 159 nests were detected. Most nests were located in sandy substrates of the riverbanks. Most of them were nearly circular or elliptic, no ramparts were observed. The nest average area was 326.12 cm². The nests were single chambers, and the eggs were deposited on the water surface. Free clutches were also found on wet areas. This species appears to be a facultative nest-builder, depending on whether the substrate was suitable for doing so. The maximum number of nests (46) were registered during February, in the dry season; they diminished throughout the year with the beginning of the first rains, which indicate that this species reproduces during the dry season. The quantity of eggs deposited in each pool ranged from 1783 to 2050 (average of 1896). The larval development of Hyla pugnax, until completed metamorphosis, lasts 95 days at a room temperature of 21ºC. Then they were preserved in a 70% alcohol solution, 1% formalin, and deposited in the Colección de Vertebrados of the Universidad de Los Andes (CVULA), in Venezuela. The taxonomic status of Hyla pugnax has been the object of controversies. The contributions of this work allow to ratify the species entity.


Reproductive aspects | Larval development | Hyla pugnax | boans group | Amphibia | Anura | Hylidae | Uribante-Caparo dam | Doradas river | Andes | Venezuela
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