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Murcia R, M. ., & Mora O, L. . (2023). THERMAL INSULATION OF THE LEAF ROSETTE OF ESPELETTINAE IN COLOMBIA [BIOFORM CAULIRROSULAR]. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 27(105), 535–552.


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The temperature oscillations of the young leaves mantle (YLM) covering the apical meristem of Espeletia species, including Espeletia grandiflora Mutis ex Humb. & Bonpl., E. Incana Cuatrec., and E. hartwegiana Cuatrec., were compared with the atmospheric conditions at seven locations situated between 3300 and 4300 meters in the Colombian Oriental and Central Cordilleras, where these species thrive. The thermal behavior of the YLM varied significantly with altitude but consistently differed from the surrounding air. YLM's nocturnal mean temperatures showed an inverse correlation with altitude and a direct correlation with relative humidity. The growth form of Espeletiinae was found to induce overheating, while YLM's low temperatures produced isolation. These effects arise from the establishment of a pronounced internal thermal gradient, strongly influenced by soil thermal behavior.


Thermal isolation | young leaves bank | overheating | life form | big rosette | Espeletiinae | avoidance
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