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Duque-Osorio, J.-F. (2023). NEURAL CRESTS, PLACODES AND BRANCHIAL ARCHES: EVOLUTIONARY AND EMBRYOLOGICAL REVIEW OF BASIC AND MORE RECENT DATA. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 27(103), 291–307.


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Vertebrate distinctive characteristics include: neural crests, neurogenic placodes and derivatives. The main basic data and more recent advances, regarding these characteristics and their role in branchial arch development, will be reviewed here, emphasizing the evolutionary implications of these processes and taking into account concepts like homology and exaptation within the historical development of the Theory of Evolution by means of Natural Selection.


Neural Crests | Placodes | Branchial Arches | Evolution | Embryology | Vertebrates | Gnathostomata | Agnatha | Homology | Exaptation
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