Coda waves’ tomography for surficial exploration

Supplementary Files

Figure 1S. Example of original signal (top), the filtered signal between 20 and 40 Hz (middle), and the energy density Aobs(t, r | f) (bottom).
Figure 2S. Synthetic tests (chess model). (a) The original distribution of attenuation areas
Figure 3S. Synthetic test of a pattern of contrasting attenuation in 3D.

How to Cite

Vargas Jimenez, C. A., Pedroza - Rojas, A. O., & Caneva - Rincon, A. (2015). Coda waves’ tomography for surficial exploration. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 39(151), 268–279.


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This work extrapolates the application of coda-waves’ imaging, in order to determine lateral anomalies of attenuation for surficial targets, and providing experimental elements that justify its use in an economic way with a relatively good resolution. A numerical procedure for the spatial inversion of the attenuation, inside a small region, has been established. The numerical effectiveness of the inversion was evaluated carrying out a field experiment, which detects, based on attenuation contrasts, the presence of a tunnel built in the Colombian Eastern Cordillera. The experimental work allows the validation of the proposed method, and the acquisition of associated information about the geotechnical conditions at the experimental site. © 2016. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat. All rights reserved.


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