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Rodríguez Cuenca, J. V., & Rojas Garcés, D. L. . (2023). ANÁLISIS DERMATOGLÍFICO EN POBLACIONES COLOMBIANAS DE COYAIMA Y BOGOTÁ. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 33(126), 45–60.


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Finger and palmar prints of 110 female and 58 male of Bogotá and 31 male and 29 female of Coyaima were examined for evidence of their sexual and population variation. Comparisons show striking sexual and intergrupal differences in pattern frequencies in the main lines D and B, thenar/I and IV interdigital areas of palm, and in frequency of thumb finger pattern. Bogotá and Cali are similar with respect to Spanish populations to relatively high frequency of loops finger configurations. Similarities among Coyaima and other mestizo may reveal a recent mixed process. Palmar pattern are more discriminatory than digital pattern configuration in intergrupal analysis.


Coyaima indians | Bogotá mestizo | dermatoglyphics | ethnic relationships
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