Search for Supersymmetric Dark Matter in the LHC
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Sanabria, J. C. (2014). Search for Supersymmetric Dark Matter in the LHC. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 38, 34–55.


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The microscopic composition and the direct or indirect observation of dark matter, other than trough its gravitational effects, is currently one of the most urgent and important problems in particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology. Since several years ago, different kinds of experimental searches have been conducted without any conclusive results. All the evidence shows that the microscopic constituents of dark matter cannot belong to the particle spectrum of the Standard Model. Several other theoretical models provide candidates to be the constituents of this kind of matter, among them some versions of supersymmetric models, in which the lightest neutralinos are stable, neutral, massive and do not have color charge, making them excellent candidates. The LHC experiments have conducted thorough searches of supersymmetric particles during the first runs of the LHC at 7 and 8 TeV, without any positive result. These searches have been concentrated in strong production channels, with gluinos and s-quarks in the final state. Given the negative results, it is necessary to perform detailed searches in electro-weak channels in which the supersymmetric particles in the final state are expected to be lighter, and therefore, have higher probability to be produced, including the neutralinos. The supersymmetric production channels mediated by vector boson fusion are the most promising ones. In this article, a review of the dark matter searches performed during the first runs of the LHC are presented, making emphasis on the vector boson fusion channels, as well as the strategies for the searches to be performed in the next run, at 14 TeV. © 2014. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat. All rights reserved.
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