Evaluation of the nosZ-type denitrifier community in Isla del Sol water column, Prado reservoir, Tolima
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Castro-González, M. (2014). Evaluation of the nosZ-type denitrifier community in Isla del Sol water column, Prado reservoir, Tolima. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 38(149), 385–392. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.134


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In the present study the genetic diversity of denitrifying communities related to the recycling of greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) in Isla del Sol water column, Prado dam (Tolima), was analyzed using the terminal restrictionfragment lenght polymorphism analysis of thenosZ functional gene, which encodes the N2O reduction to N2duringdenitrification. This is the first report demonstrating the presence of nosZ-type denitrifying microorganisms in aColombian acquatic ecosystem. The results indicated that digestion with theMsp I enzyme generated a better nosZ community profile (expresed in an increase of terminal restriction fragments - TRF) than the Hha I enzyme. Besides,the nosZ community had a higher TRF richness and diversity (Shannon index - H′=0.9) at the depth (9m) where suboxic conditions (1.1 mg/L O2), as well as high nitrate levels (0.78 mg/L) were found, which could favoured N2O reduction to N2. These results are the base for future studies on the functionality and significance of suchcommunities for the regulation of N2O emissions from this dam.
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