CiteScore 2021

On May 5, 2021, the CiteScore impact indicator was updated for scientific journals indexed in Scopus. In this version, the Journal of the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences obtained the value 0.4, doubling the results obtained in the 2020 version.

This is due to the progressive indexing process that is being carried out with the Scopus database, which allows the number of documents in the index to increase and the citations that these documents have obtained in recent years to be added.

The area of knowledge where the journal has benefited the most is History and Philosophy of Science (35th percentile), followed by Earth Sciences (13th percentile) and Agriculture and Biological Sciences (12th percentile).

There is still a long way to go, but these recognitions demonstrate the quality and commitment of the Journal to its community.


About CiteScore

This indicator establishes a quantitative measure of the relationship between the citations obtained by the journal versus the number of documents published during a period. Its calculation is quite simple, but it allows Scopus to organize journals into percentiles by areas of knowledge.

You may be interested in:

1.             CiteScore Methodology

2.            Other impact indicators for scientific journals: SCImagoJR - SNIP