The enormous progress in scientific and technological development characteristic of the last decades has brought about major changes in everyday thinking and in the approach to theoretical problems. One that has most affected psychology is the possibility of explaining psychological processes in neurobiological terms. From the very birth of psychology in 1864, with the work of Paul Broca, according to some, or in 1879, with the founding of the first Psychology laboratory by Wilhelm Wundt, according to others, there was a timid tendency to adopt a materialistic-monistic approach to the study of psychological phenomena. But it is only until recently that we have begun to advance in this direction because the technological, mathematical, and computer tools required for the theoretical integration of the data from experimentation were not yet available. Here I offer a brief contextualization of the origin of psychology seeking to define its main problems and the methodologies initially proposed. Then, I give some examples of the integration of technological developments in neuroscience with knowledge in psychology, and finally, based on this integration I explain how the future of the discipline would develop from the insertion of its problems, questions, and methodologies within the framework of neuroscience.
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