Mosquitoes play an important role in the transmission of parasites and pathogens affecting human and animal health, which also serve as indicators of the health of ecosystems. Although there is a number of studies on mosquito presence and distribution, and their importance in diseases dynamics or in the design of strategies to monitor and study their species, there are few with updated information on their distribution and ecology in Neotropical countries. The genus Trichoprosopon Theobald includes 13 species of mosquitoes with distribution in the Neotropics, mainly in rural and sylvatic habitats. Some species have been found infected with arboviruses as the Bussuquara, the Saint Louis encephalitis virus, the Ilhéus, the Pixuna, and the Wyeomyia, and others are considered biological indicators due to their association with ecosystems such as microhabitats with epiphytes plants and other phytotelmate. Here we present an updated review of the genus in Colombia especially focused on the medical importance and historical records of the species complemented with new records from entomological surveys in the Caribbean and Pacific coasts, and the high Andean and inter-Andean valleys. We include the list of seven Trichoprosopon species with their distribution and ecological notes in ten Colombian departments with natural breeding sites in phytotelmata plants: [Tr. andinum Leví-Castillo, Tr. compressum Lutz, Tr. digitatum (Rondani), Tr. evansae Antunes, Tr. lampropusn Howard, Dyar & Knab, Tr. lanei (Antunes), and Tr. pallidiventer (Lutz)]. We also include two new species found in Andean coffee ecosystems in southwestern Antioquia.
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