To ascertain the distribution patterns, source identification, chemical speciation, and bioavailability of arsenic in basement aquifers, 64 groundwater samples were analyzed using hydrochemical and geochemical modeling. It was determined that important ion geochemistry, hydrogeochemical facies, and basic hydrogeochemical parameters are interdependent. Arsenic (As) concentrations varied from 0.001 mg/l to 0.03 mg/l, with a mean of 0.007 mg/l. The results of 4.68% of samples were higher than the allowable level of 0.01 mg/l, i.e., groundwater arsenic levels are not dangerous. Significant ion concentrations decreased from dry to rainy seasons suggesting that ionic concentrations generated by silicate weathering in aquifers became diluted. Abundance trends in metal concentration during the dry and rainy seasons were Fe > Mn > Zn > Ni > Cu > As > Pb > Cd and Fe > Zn > Mn > Ni > Pb > Cu > As > Cd, respectively. Of the two hydrochemical facies discovered, the predominant one was the main alkaline-earth-bicarbonate facies [Ca-(Mg)-HCO3] typical of basement terrains, suggesting the fundamental stage of groundwater evolution. Plots of ionic ratios, metal loads, and principal component analyses showed that ionic concentrations are controlled by geology. Geochemical modeling revealed the presence of aqueous arsenic species, which are the less dangerous arsenates at unsaturated levels and do not currently pose a concern.
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