Greenhouse gases are produced inside reservoirs due to the microbial decomposition of organic matter in the sediments and other biochemical processes in the water column and the surface. These gases are emitted to the atmosphere through different flow pathways. Diffusive fluxes depend on the difference in their concentration in the water and the atmosphere and the gas transfer rate (k), controlled, in turn, by hydrodynamic forces that alter turbulence on the water surface. The most widely recognized force controlling k is wind speed (U). Numerous empirical models relate both variables (k = f (U)), most based on reservoirs located in high and mid-latitudes. However, some have been widely replicated in different environments and latitudes, even in tropical systems. Here, we measured the methane diffusive fluxes in the tropical Andean reservoir Porce III using floating chambers and gas chromatographic measurements for gas concentrations. k was estimated from the diffusion law, i.e., Fick’s first law, and U from a meteorological station located on the reservoir surface. Our objective was to verify the applicability of the proposed gas transfer rate models as a function of wind speed in a tropical Andean reservoir. The results revealed that most models in the literature for lakes and reservoirs underestimated k in the Porce III reservoir.
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