Plants as a source of photoprotective compounds against ultraviolet radiation-induced DNA damage
Portada 43 (168) 2019
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Radiación ultravioleta; Fotoprotección; Antigenotoxicidad; Metabolitos secundiarios de plantas
Ultraviolet radiation; Photoprotection; Antigenotoxicity; Plant secondary metabolites.

How to Cite

Plants as a source of photoprotective compounds against ultraviolet radiation-induced DNA damage. (2019). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 43(168), 550-562.


Photoprotection is a preventive and therapeutic strategy against skin cancer and photoaging. In the present work, we
review the adverse biological effects of the ultraviolet radiation, the basic concepts with relevance in photoprotection,
and the methods to carry out its measurement. Likewise, we summarized the main results obtained from the radiobiological and genetic characterization of the SOS Chromotest model, which we used for bioprospecting photoprotective activity of plant extracts and molecules. Besides, we showed photoprotective efficacy and/or
antigenotoxicity estimates of plant essential oils and extracts, as well as of the major compounds of promissory oils and extracts analyzed in our study. Finally, action mechanisms of the relevant molecules are postulated. These results are presented and discussed considering their potential use to formulate multifunctional sunscreen.

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