Study, curation and new records of odonates present in the collection of the Museum of La Salle
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Biological collections; Colombia; Inventory; Museum of La Salle; Odonata.

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Study, curation and new records of odonates present in the collection of the Museum of La Salle. (2019). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 43(168), 489-493.


Colombia is the fifth country with the most Odonata species in Latin America totaling 437 distributed among 11 families, which represent 7.2% of the world’s richness. This is reflected in a large number of specimens present in many collections in the country. The collection of the Museum of La Salle has records since 1968 and it evidences problems in the taxonomic identification and the preservation mode that can put at risk the specimens and the information they represent in the long term. Taking into account this, the objective of this project was to carry out a taxonomic update and to improve the storage conditions of the odonates deposited in the museum. For this, the specimens were identified up to the minimum possible taxonomic level and, at the same time, we undertook curative conservation and storage optimization actions. As a result, a total of 903 individuals were identified belonging to 81 species distributed in 14 departments, Huila being the most representative with 363 specimens, most of them collected between 2010 and 2017. Through a bibliographic review, we found new records for several departments of the country, Cundinamarca being the one with the largest amount. We concluded that the collection of the Museum of La Salle has valuable pieces of information regarding the spatial and temporal distribution of Odonata species in the country. Likewise, we highlight the importance of using the correct technique for specimen preservation and storage.

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