Determination of the genetic diversity of the domestic pigeon Columba livia (Columbidae) employing polymorphic genes associated with the color of the plumage in San Antero, Córdoba, Colombia
Portada 43 (166) 2019
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Determination of the genetic diversity of the domestic pigeon Columba livia (Columbidae) employing polymorphic genes associated with the color of the plumage in San Antero, Córdoba, Colombia. (2019). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 43(166), 78-83.


The objective of the study was to determine the genetic diversity of the domestic pigeon Columba livia using polymorphic genes associated with the plumage color in San Antero, Colombia. Between March and April 2017, random samplings were carried out in four sites of the municipality of San Antero located in Calle Abajo, Calle Central, Parque Central, and Iglesia Central. During urban excursions and through direct observation and photographic records, we made the phenotypic classification of 235 pigeons. The markers studied were Grizzle (G), Spread (S), Checker (C), and Ash-Red (B). The genetic profiles of the populations of domestic pigeons were established with the following indices: allelic frequencies, Nei’s genetic diversity (1972), expected heterozygosity (He), genetic differentiation coefficient (Gst), gene flow (Nm), and genetic distances between populations were estimated using the PopGene 1.31 software. We calculated the fixation indices proposed by Wright: Fis, Fit and Fst using the FSTAT v program. The most frequent markers were Checker and Spread while Ash-Red showed
the lowest values. The total population showed a high percentage of homozygotes and genetic differentiation was low. Checker and Spread markers suggested possible selection effects. © 2019. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat. 

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