Ecological aspects of the phytoperiphytic community in the Anchique River, Colombian Andean basin
Portada 43 (166) 2019
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Ecological aspects of the phytoperiphytic community in the Anchique River, Colombian Andean basin. (2019). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 43(166), 98-107.


Phytoperifiton contributes significantly to the dynamics of the ecosystem since it oxygenates the water and provides organic matter, shelter, and nourishment to aquatic organisms. In this context, we conducted the present study to determine its dynamics in the Anchique River, an important Colombian Andean basin. The samplings were carried out in four points located along the river in contrasting weather seasons using the methodology of surface scraping on two natural substrates (rock and trunk). We registered a relative density of 5,070 organisms/cm2 distributed in five divisions, nine classes and 59 genera of which the Bacillariophyta division was the most abundant. Station E1 presented the highest values of richness, diversity, and dominance, while E4 recorded the lowest values. The rock substrate presented the highest relative densities. We found an inverse relationship between the flow and the relative density of the organisms with high relative densities during the months of low rainfall and the lowest values during the months of high rainfall. We concluded that the meteorological seasons and the degree of anthropic intervention are some of the relevant factors in the composition and structure of the phytoperiphytic community in the Anchique River basin. © 2019. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat.

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