Fiber specklegram sensor analysis by digital image processing
Portada 42 (163) 2018
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Fiber specklegram sensor analysis by digital image processing. (2018). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 42(163), 182-188.


Fiber Specklegram Sensors (FSSs) are sensors based on the analysis of specklegrams, i.e., the intensity distribution of the modal interference pattern at the output of an optical fiber. By using a finite element method, this work shows numerically simulated specklegrams of an optical fiber Thorlabs 1550BHP under a mechanical perturbation.  We employ digital image correlation to analyze the behavior of these specklegrams with different applied forces. The image correlation analysis is applied over the whole specklegram or over selected regions. The results show that the correlation between images is a suitable quantifier of the applied force. We also show that the analysis of selected regions improves the metrological parameters of these sensors. © 2018.  Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat.
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