Experimental study of nanobubbles in salt solutions


The characterization of oxygen nanobubbles in NaCl solutions has been performed in order to study the variation of their size, concentration, pH, temperature and aggregation levels, through oxygen saturation and cavitation processes for different times. The nanobubbles were produced by the injection of oxygen by rotation to the saline solution in a diffusive medium, at constant temperature, in the way of searching for a solution with homogeneous distribution. The solution finally obtained was subjected to several tests at different times to observe changes in the nanobubbles. The size characterization of nanobubbles in the solution was performed using the dynamic light scattering technique. The concentration of the solution was determined by a semi-quantitative process taking into account the concentration of standard particles and the counting rate per second of the device. Potential ζ was measured in order to establish the aggregation and stability levels of the nanobubbles at different temperatures and pHs. At a temperature T=4 oC the diameter of the nanobubbles remains approximately constant in time (1000 to 2000 nm), regardless of the pH values, and the highest stability of nanobubbles is reached.
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