On coastline changes between 1735 and 2011 and subsidence in Cartagena Bay, Colombia
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On coastline changes between 1735 and 2011 and subsidence in Cartagena Bay, Colombia. (2017). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 41(158), 94-106. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.360


We analyzed the trend of sea-level rise in Cartagena with respect to other ports in the Caribbean in the context of coast line changes in the region. The comparison between maps made in 1735 and 2011 of south Cartagena Bay showed the loss of islands and mangrove patches in a large area of the southwest. The loss of coastal zone in the Bay is reflected in a greater trend of sea-level rise in Cartagena due to local subsidence, which requires immediate action. Geodesic data from a GPS station installed on the roof of the Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas e Hidrográficas, CIOH, building showed a possible subsidence in the Manzanillo Island region, the can be contrasted as more data will be acquired from the station installed on land. © 2017. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat.
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