Ascomycetes of the guadua forests in the natural reserve “La Montaña del Ocaso”, Quindio department, Colombia
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Ascomycetes of the guadua forests in the natural reserve “La Montaña del Ocaso”, Quindio department, Colombia. (2016). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 40(156), 438-449.


Twenty nine species of Ascomycetes collected in the guadual from Natural Reserve of “Montaña del Ocaso” at the municipality of Quimbaya in the Quindío Department from Colombia are studied. Of these, 15 species only grow on decayed debris of Guadua angustifolia, 10 were found on decay wood of trees and four are parasites of others ascomycetes fungi. Of the collected species, only Cookeina sulcipes has been mentioned for Quindío Department, the remanining species are cited for the first time to this Department, and of these, 19 are new records from Colombia. © 2016. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat. All rights reserved.

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