The latest geochronological studies carried out in the Silgara Formation (an original name given to a group of schist and phyllites outcropping southwestern Santander Massif), has provided the basis for proposing this formation´s split-off in the following units: Silgara Schist s.s., Chicamocha Schist and San Pedro Phyllites. These units are characterized by its different metamorphic lithologies and by its different protolith deposition´ ages.
In the context of the aforementioned ideas, the current work aims to provide new evidences supporting the referred proposal concerning the Silgara Formation´ split- ff, based on detrital zircons isotopic analysis from the already mentioned new three metamorphic units and on some whole rock geochemistry analysis as well. Likewise, based on the accumulated geological information, a new stratigraphic framework for the Santander Massif´ metamorphic basement is here proposed. © 2016. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat. All rights reserved.
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