La iconografía vegetal en piedra en el Taj Mahal (Agra, India) y su asignación taxonómica
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How to Cite

La iconografía vegetal en piedra en el Taj Mahal (Agra, India) y su asignación taxonómica. (2013). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 37(143), 189-205.


Iconography had involved the study, description, classification, and interpretation of an icon by sourcing and correlating textual sources with the evidence of the icon. Studies in Indian iconography had remained focused on identifications, terminology, and classifications, specifically in relation to the plethora of religious imagery. However, the studies on Indian plant iconography remain without development. The Taj Mahal has been long considered one of the most, if not the most, beautiful building in the world; it represents the apex of the Mughal Style. The external and internal walls are profusely ornamented with reliefs and stone inlays (“pietra dura”) of flowers, fruits, and plants that combine Persian, Indian, and Western influences. This study was based on premises of iconographic analyses, and thus, the Taj Mahal’s plant iconography was studied. Forty six species were recognized, which represent 42 genera and 29 families. In this paper I give the botanical, popular and family name of each identified plant, as well as the morphological style of the plant iconography. Four morphological styles were identified. My hope is that this paper will open up new possibilities of research, enjoyment, and understanding in the vast resources of the plant iconography in India.
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