A new species of Eleutherodactylus is described from a single locality in southern Boyacá. lt is the sister species of E. nervicus, known from the páramos associated with Laguna Chingaza in Departamento Cundinamarca. The new species is larger than E. nervicus and has larger digital disks.
Lynch, J. D. 1989. The gauge of speciation: on the frequencies of modes of speciation. Pp. 527-553 in D. Otte & J. A. Endler (eds.), Speciation and Its Consequences. Sinauer Assoc., Inc. Sunderland, Massachusetts.
Lynch, J. D. 1994. A new species of high-altitude frog (Eleutherodactylus: Leptodactylidae) from the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales 19(72): 195-203.
Lynch, J. D. & W. E. Duellman. 1997. Frogs of the genus Eleutherodactylus (Leptodactylidae) in western Ecuador: Systematics, ecology, and biogeography. The University of Kansas Natural History Museum, Special Publication (23): 1-236.
Ross, H. 1972. An uncertainty principle in ecological evolution. Pp. 133-157 in R. T. Allen & F. C. James (Eds.), A Symposium on Ecosystematics. University of Arkansas Museum, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas.

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