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History of mathematics
mathematical education
19th Century

How to Cite

THE DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS COERSE BY AIMÉ BERGERON AT THE COLEGIO MILITAR. (2024). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 23(86), 73-79.


In this paper we describe a manuscript containing the classroom notes, by Sixto l. Barriga, of a course on Differential Calculus taught by Aimé Bergeron at the Colegio Militar (1851). The manuscript documents indisputably the teaching of Calculus in Colombia as part of a higher education curriculum during the 19th century, though we cannot assert this was the first time. Also, we heavily stress our hypothesis on the existence of a publishing policy in the Colegio Militar. as a result of the French influence in the structure and functioning of the institution.

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