The gold mineral ocurrences in California and Vetas have been known since the colonial period. There are publications describing the veins, the mineral associations and the results of chemical analysis for gold, silver and severa! other metals. There are also sorne hypothesis about the ore genesis. There are new data and concepts which permit a different approach to the genesis of the mineralizations and about their absolute and relative geochronology.
Elston, E. W. 1984. Siliceous Volcanic Centers as Guides to Mineral Exploration: Review and Summary. Economic Geology, 1982. 89(8): 1662-1686.
Polanía, J. H. 1982. Mineralizaciones de Uranio y Otros Metales en California. Geología Norandina No. 6.
Rytuba, J. J. 1994. Evolution of Volcanic and Tectonic Features in Caldera Settings and their Importance in the Location of Ore Deposits. Economic Geology, Vol. 89(8): 1687-1696.
Ward, E. D., Goldsmith, R., Cruz, J., & Restrepo, H. 1971. Recursos Minerales de Parte de los Departamentos de Norte de Santander y Santander. Inventario Minero Nacional, Tomo III Ingeominas. pp. 1-140.

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