Lycopodiaceae in Colombia has three genera and 55 species. The most diversificated is Huperzia with 42 species while Lycopodiella has 9 and Lycopodium 4. The family is wídely dístributed in the country from sea level to 4500 m, but is principally found in the andean region between 3000 and 3500 m. Lycopodiella is most abundant in lowlands. whilc Lvcopodium is not found below 1000 m of altitude. A key for genera is presented anda checklist of species with comments about geographical and altitudinal distribution is given. Huperzia capillaris is a synonym of H. linifolia. H. homocarpa of H. taxifolia. and H. phylicifolia of subulata Huperzia lechleri is confirmed as a synonym of H. hippuridea. Huperzia urbanii is recorded for the first time for the country.

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