Rocks originating during three magmatic events, clearly different in age and genesis, are present in the southeastern portian of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. The first event took place during Triassic-Jurassic time, is related to the rifting process, and produced alkaline siliceous magmatism interbedded with red sediments. The second one originated later, during Jurassic time by submarine vulcanism, and its composition is basic and intermediate. The third event produced acid vulcanites - rhyolites and rhyodacites - in a wide SWW-NEE belt which outcrops from the southeastern foothills of the Sierra Nevada to extensive areas on the Serranía de Perijá; the hypothesis of its age as Cenozoic is the subject of this paper.
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Pagnacco, P. F. 1962. Cupriferous Mineralizations in the Serranía de Perijá Between Codazzi and Molino: Geol. Colombiana No. 2, pags. 5-13, Bogotá.
Radelli, L., 1962. Introducción al Estudio de la Geología y de la Petrografia del Macizo de Santa Marta (Magdalena - Colombia): Geol. Colombiana No. 2, pags. 41-115, 31 fotos, 1 mapa, Bogotá.
Tschanz, C. M., Jimeno, A. & Cruz, J. 1969. Geology of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Area. Preliminary report (Inédito): Ingeominas, 288 pags.. 3 figs.. 18 tables; Mapa Geológico de Reconocimiento de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta - Colombia, escala 1:200.000 (Publicado), Bogotá.
Ujueta, G. & Llinas, R. 1992. Reconocimiento Geológico de la Parte más Septentrional de la Sierra de Perija: Geol. Colombiana No. 17. pags. 197-209, 2 figs.. 5 fotos, Bogotá.

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