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Emissions Reduction
Greenhouse Gas Emissions

How to Cite

OPTIONS FOR GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION (GEI) REDUCTION) HUMBERTO RODRIGUEZ. & FABIO GONZALEZ. (2024). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 23(89), 507-515. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.23(89).1999.2847


Taking into account the Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Colombia in year 2010, different options for reduction of GHG emissions were considered. Twenty-four options were evaluated from economical and technical points of view, with a total reduction potential of 31. 7 Mton/ year of CO2 equivalent. About 75% of this potential could be developed in the forestry sector and 25% in energy projects. If the proposed measures can to be implemented, the country's emissions will be 143.5 Mton/year ofCO2 by 2010: this means that Colombia will have lowered its emissions not only to the 1990 leve! but down to 14% below this level.

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