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Brievabradys laventensis
La Venta

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EL ESTADO ACTUAL DE LA FAMILIA OROPHODONTIDRE (A NEW MYLODONTINRE (XENARTHRA, TARDÍGRADA) FROM THE MIOCENE, LA VENTA OF COLOMBIA: THE CURRENT STATE OF THE FAMILY OROPHODONTIDRE. (2024). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 24(90), 117-127. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.24(90).2000.2842


The study of a cranium and its pertinent jaw-bone collected in sedimentes of the Honda Group, Upper Miocene of La Venta (Huila, Colombia) permits the proposal of Brievabradys laventensis gen. et sp. nov. To this species is attributed the specimen that Hirschfeld ( 1985) had described as "Small Nothrothere" and the material described by McDonald (l 997) as an argentine species, Glossotheriopsis pascuali. On the other hand, the comparison of B. laventensis with Orophodon hapaloides, as well as the evaluation of the diagnostic aspects of the family Orophodontidre allow assignment of Or. hapaloides to the subfamily Mylodontinre (Mylodontidre).

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