MSA-2 protein surface of membrane 2 of the merozoite is a protein of 45-kDa anchored in the membrane of the merozoite which has been associated with the development of protective immunity against the malaria.
By means of the construction of the space of probability the possibility of appearance of the 20 amino acids was quantified in each position for peptides with size of 20 residues; for 25 sequences overlapped each 10 amino acids of the protein MSA-2, starting from this space was calculated the probability, summary of probability and entropy for all the sequences, with the purpose of differing of objective and reproducible form the peptides of high binding and low binding, by means of physical and mathematics theories.
The values of probability, summary of Probability and Entropy for the proven experimentally sequences of high binding vary among the ranges associated to the binding macro state, while all these same values for the experimental low binding peptides are outside of the ranges associated to the binding macro. The values of probability, summary of probability and entropy differentiate the high binding peptides from low binding peptides, guessing right in 100% of the studied cases, according to experimental studies.
This methodology facilitates the experimental work, because it can be useful to predict high binding peptides of objective and reproducible way in the MSA-2 protein, the binding phenomenon of MSA-2 to merozoite presents a physical and mathematical order, starting from the probability and the entropy.
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