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Ancylopsetta cycloidea
Southem Caribbean
South American floristics

How to Cite

FLATFISHES OF THE FAMILY PARALICHTHYIDAE (PISCES: PLEURONECTIFORMES) FROM DE COLOMBIAN CARIBBEAN. (2024). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 24(91), 295-310. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.24(91).2000.2829


Eighteen species of flatfishes of the family Paralichthyidae are known from the continental Colombian Caribbean; material of fifteen of them are kept in INVEMAR 's fish collection. The most speciose genus in the area are Citharichthys (eight species) an_d Syacium (three species). Ancylopsetta and Cyclopsetta include two species each; A. cycloidea is reported for the first time for the northem Colombian coast. Etropus, Gastropsetta, and Paralichthys are known from one species each in the Colombian Caribbean. Keys for genera and species and illustrations of the species kept in INVEMAR are included in order to facilitate the identification of the paralichthyids known from the area.

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