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Phase space
complex trajectories
quartic oscillator
Husimi function

How to Cite

A METHOD TO UNIFY CLASSIC AND QUANTUM DYNAMICS. (2024). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 24(93), 529-534. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.24(93).2000.2766


We descrioe a method that links Hilbert-space and phase-space operators. This procedure use Weyl's operator with complex parameters of position Q and momentum Pand a function S(Q, P, t) related with the classical action. The phase-space Hamiltonian of the system is expanded as a sum of differential operators depending of Planck's constant h. This allows to identify the leading quantum contribution and define a complex classical dynamics. In the limit h -+ O, the Schrodinger equation is transformed in a Liouville's equation for the phase-space wavefunction. The article ends with the application of the method to study the dynamics of a quartic oscillator.

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