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Geographic Information Systems
Predictive faunistics
Information Systems of Biodiversity
scientific collections
data bases
distribution areas
discontinuity analysis

How to Cite

DATA BASES AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS: APPLICATIONS IN BIOGEOGRAPHY. (2024). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 24(92), 325-341.


orne aspects of the new instrumentalization and methodological elements that make up Information Systems in Biodiversity (ISB) are described. The use of accurate geographically referenced data allows a broad range of available sources: natural history collections and scientific literature require the use of data bases and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The conceptualization of ISB and GIS, based in the use of extensive data bases, has implied detailed modeling and the construction cif authoritative archives: exhaustive catalogues of nomenclature and synonymies, complete bibliographic lists, list of names proposed, historico-geographic gazetteers with localities and their synonyms united under a Global Positioning System which produces a geospheric conception of the earth and its biota. Certain difficulties in the development of the system and the construction of the biological data bases are explained: quality control of data, for example. Toe use of such systems is basic in order to respond to many questions at the frontier of current studies of biodiversity and conservation. In particular, sorne applications in biogeography and their importance for modeling distributions, to identify and contrast areas of endemism and biological richness for conservation, and their use as tools in what we identify as predictive and experimental faunistics are detailed. Lastly, the process as well as its relevance are emphasized at national and regional levels.

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