Based upon study of the skulls of 307 species of Eleutherodactylus representing ali identified subunits, four characters are examined relative to the current classification. Toree of these were identified previously but the fourth is a new one. Craugastor and the Eleutherodactylus conspicillatus, myersi, and sulcatus series are plesiomorphic for each character. Epiotic flanges are restricted to 14 Antillean species and the distribution suggests that neither Euhyas nor Pelorius is monophyletic. Fusion of the frontoparietal and prootic is reported for 60 species and the distribution suggests that neither Eleutherodactylus nor Euhyas is monophyletic. Although there are sorne problems with homology, the fusion appears restricted to the Eleutherodactylus abbotti series, the Eleutherodactylus martinicensis group, Euhyas, and Syrrlwphus. However, sorne Euhyas exhibit the plesiomorphic condition. The wide separation of the vomers is a character largely congruent with frontoparietal-prootic fusion but is restricted to the abbotti-martinicensis, Euhyas and Syrhhophus unit. Restudy of this character suggests that vomerine tooth series length is in need of careful study to separate nonhomologous states and that Euhyas may be monophyletic. A new character, median notch ofthe vomer, is shared only by the Eleutherodactylus binotatus series and most Euhyas but the two clades acquire the notch in two different ways.
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