The Central University of Cundinamarca, founded in 1826 by Vicepresident Francisco de Paula Santander, based on the plan of studies developed by Don Francisco Antonio Moreno y Escandón at the end of the 18th century, was the first attempt to form a public university in Colombia. However, this proved unsuccesful because university classes continued to be taught by high schools and the public university was reduced to an office granting titles, as had been the fate of Santo Tómas University in the colonial era. This paper brings to light unknown aspects of wath was the university system in this era.
Ariza. OP. El Colegio Universidad de Santo Tomás de Aquino. Bogotatá: Kelly, 1980.
Hernández de Alba, Guillermo. Documentos para la Historia de la Educaci6n en Colombia. Bogotá: Kelly, 1980 Tomo IV.
ICFES. Compilaci6n de Normas sobre la Educaci6n Superior. La República Neogranadina. Bogotá, 1974.
Jaramillo Oribe, Jaime. La personalidad Histórica de Colombia. Bogotá: El Áncora, 1994.
Moreno de Angel, Pilar. Santander. Biografía. Bogotá: Planeta, 1990.
Osorio Racines, Felipe. Decretos del General Santander 1819-1821.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia. 1969.
Joung, John Lane. La reforma Universitaria de la Nueva Granada ( 1820-1850 ). Santafé de Bogotá: Documentos.

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