A taxonomic study of the genera Marcgraviastrum (Wittm. ex Szyszyl.) de Roon & S. Dressler and Norantea Aubl. for the Brazilian Flora is presented. This study includes a new combination [Marcgraviastrum delpinianum (Wittm.) Giraldo-Cañas = Norantea delpiniana Wittm.] and a new record for Brazil [Marcgraviastrum mixtum (Triana & Planch.) Bedell]. Thus, Marcgraviastrum is represented in Brazil by three species, two of which are endemic to the SE Region: Marcgraviastrum cuneifolium (Gardner) Bedell and M. delpinianum. On the other hand, Norantea is accepted as a monotypic genus (N. guianensis Aubl.), with some proposed synonyms.
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