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Andean East slope
rapid assessments
subtropical zone

How to Cite

LA AVIFAUNA DE LA VERTIENTE ORIENTAL DE LOS ANDES DE COLOMBIA. TRES EVALUACIONES EN ELEVACIÓN SUBTROPICAL. (2024). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 26(100), 419-442.


Here is the corrected and formatted text:

I present here the results of three ornithological inventories made between 950 and 2200 m elevation on the eastern slope of the Andes in Colombia. The avifauna was recorded mainly by observations and mist-net captures. I conducted an analysis based on the ecological characteristics of birds in relation to the use of different habitat types to identify the most sensitive species groups to disturbances. A total of 321 species were recorded, with the highest richness found in Los Picachos, and Thraupinae being the most abundant group. The richness values represented on average 60% of the total estimated, highlighting the need for song recordings in bird surveys. Los Picachos has the highest proportion of species sensitive to disturbances and endangered species, despite high colonization pressure in the presence of a National Park. The information presented here is among the first about avifauna on this Colombian slope.

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