Ageneiosus pardalis (doncella) is considered one of the main species in the artisanal fishing of the Darien contributing to the diet and income of the communities that live on the banks of the Tuira River. There is little data on the biology, ecology, or fisheries of this species in Panama. Here, we estimated the longitude-weight ratio, the linear proportions of height, and the factor of condition (K) of the doncella in the Tuira River to determine the state of its population. A total of 185 doncella specimens were collected between June 2022 and July 2023 over a 28 km stretch in the middle basin of the Tuira River. The specimens were measured and weighed, and their composition was evaluated by size, weight-length ratio, and condition factor. The average total length was 35.9 ± 5.9 cm with a range between 21 and 54, with the most common sizes being 30 and 40 cm; the average weight was 369.10 ± 22.1 g ranging from 39.6 to 1,320 g. These data are consistent with an overfishing condition of the doncella in the mid-Tuira River basin, with 75 % of the catch below the estimated sexual maturity size for the species. The analysis of the length-to-weight ratio indicated a > 3 positive ratio, highly significant between the two variables, with positive allometric growth. The values of the doncella’s condition factor in the Tuira reflected suboptimal conditions for its population.
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