Determination of the underlying orbital parameters in Abraham Zacuto’s solar ephemerides
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Solar theory
Sun theory; Abraham Zacut; Ferdinand Magellan; geographic latitude; Ptolemy
Alfonsine tables

How to Cite

Determination of the underlying orbital parameters in Abraham Zacuto’s solar ephemerides. (2024). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 48(189), 784-796.


Based on the solar motion theory of Hipparchus-Ptolemy, a geometric method is proposed to determine the parameters of the orbit from three values of ecliptic longitude corresponding to three different times. The method was specifically applied to find the underlying parameters used to construct the solar tables contained in Abraham Zacuto’s Almanach Perpetuum. The longitude values were selected using two procedures: the first spaced by three months, and the second, spaced by an amount of days greater than six, was applied to each month from 1473 to 1476. The first procedure yielded values consistent with an Alfonsine origin of Zacuto’s tables; the second exhibited wide dispersions but suggested that for some specific months, different values of solar eccentricity were used.

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