Morphological, structural and magnetic characterization of black sanos of the Guajira- Colombia


Black sand

How to Cite

Morphological, structural and magnetic characterization of black sanos of the Guajira- Colombia. (2013). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 37(Suplemento), 60-64.


This article shows the morphological, structural and magnetic properties of the black sand on the surface soil obtained in the Guajira-Colombia. Morphological characterization of samples is performed by SEM. The compositional analysis of the compounds and elements was carried out through the XRF technique and by applying the Rietveld method to the X-ray diffraction data by quantifying the polycrystalline phases present in the sample such as ilmenite and magnetite. Magnetic characterization was performed by obtaining the hysteresis curve of magnetization as a function of applied fields at 300K temperature. Results evidence a ferromagnetic behavior of sample with magnetic parameters that permit to discuss the origin of magnetic character in the black sands. From heat treatments on air at different temperatures, the present magnetic phases are studied in order to determine the possibility obtaining of a single phase.



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