Technological, Environmental and Economic Impact, of the Mineral Matter Presented in Coal
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Coal quality
Mineral identification and quantification.

How to Cite

Technological, Environmental and Economic Impact, of the Mineral Matter Presented in Coal. (2024). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 37(Suplemento), 69-74.


The analysis of the mineral matter contributes meaningfully to define the quality of coal. In this work we present the results of identification and quantification of mineral phases presented in samples of natural coal, and coal fractions beneficiated with concentration fractions of minerai matter, obtained by different separation methods using Rietveld-based X-ray diffraction (Rietveld based XRD), s'Fe transmission Mössbauer spec- troscopy (MS) and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-Ray (SEM EDX) analysis, which allows to identité the potential for removal of minerals. Furthermore, it is possible to explore the relationship between the ash obtained, the melting point, the calorific value and the relative proportions of the individual minerals in the samples studied. Similarly, using the information obtained, we evaluate the technological, envi- ronmental and economic impacts associated with minerai matter.

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