Study of the relative ratio of the intensities between the reference and the object waves in digital holography
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Study of the relative ratio of the intensities between the reference and the object waves in digital holography. (2015). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 39, 29-37.


in digital holography with respect to the quality of the numerical reconstructions of the digitally recorded holograms. To perform the study, we have recorded several holograms of the same sample varying the ratio of intensities between the reference and object waves. In addition to the numerical reconstructions of these holograms, we have carried out an analysis of the intensity profiles of the digitally recorded holograms before and after performing the needed process of spatial filtering. The results of the numerical reconstructions and the analysis of the intensity profiles allow us to conclude that on contrary to the analogous process of optical holography, in digital holography is not necessary to keep a high control in the intensity ratio between the reference and object waves. In general, it can be stated that this relation of intensities is of low importance, while it is assured the correct sampling of the hologram and the no saturation of pixels are guaranteed. © 2015. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat. All rights reserved.
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