Electrical transport properties of Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films for solar cells applications


Blectrical properties

How to Cite

Electrical transport properties of Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films for solar cells applications . (2024). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 37(Suplemento), 22-26. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.2577


In this work we study the electrical transport properties of Cu2ZuSnSe4 (CZTse) thin films. CZTSe thin films were prepared by PVD method; the parameters of deposition as substrate temperature (T,) and mass, (Mx), (Mx = ZnSe, Cu) were varied for a range wide. Conductivity and resistivity measurements as a function of temperature were obtained between 120 and 400 K. It was observed, that high-temperature range above room temperature (>300 K) the carrier transport is thermally activated, with a single activation energy that changes with the variation of T, and Mx. In the low-temperature range (<300 K)), variable range hopping (VRH) was established as a predominant electronic transport mechanism for all samples. Hoppmg parameters were obtained by Difíusinal model and percolation theory.



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